If you race track on ice in the Bobsleigh Extreme, Your stress Will disappear.
Similar to the simulation produced in 3D.
* Bobsleigh Extreme Features *
This game has created a moving reality game using only the force of gravity with physics engine.
This game did not express exaggerated background, camera, effects, light etc.
Applied gravity, ice, metal with the physics engine use have been expressed as to the realism of the bobsled.
* Bobsleigh Extreme Important function *
Features such as TV broadcast replay.
The game features a detailed tutorial.
Finish the course developer preview.
Various camera modes can be set.
* Bobsleigh Features *
Five different characteristics can be selected bobsled.
The center of gravity, a mass, a control range is different, have unique properties.
* Bobsleigh Extreme Course*
This game is made up of total of 15 courses.
Each course has been unique characteristics.
Each course is made by mixing the basic course and the extreme course difficulty.
Extreme course be made up variety of courses include a steep course, obstacle course, Slip course, jump course etc.
Thank you.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Jika Anda trek balap di atas es di Bobsleigh ekstrim, stres Anda Akan menghilang.
Serupa dengan simulasi diproduksi dalam 3D.
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* Bobsleigh Ekstrim Fitur *
Game ini telah menciptakan sebuah permainan realitas bergerak hanya menggunakan gaya gravitasi dengan mesin fisika.
Game ini tidak mengungkapkan latar belakang berlebihan, kamera, efek, cahaya dll
Gravitasi Terapan, es, logam dengan menggunakan mesin fisika telah dinyatakan sebagai realisme gerobak luncur.
* Bobsleigh Ekstrim Fungsi Penting *
Fitur seperti siaran TV replay.
Permainan ini memiliki tutorial rinci.
Selesai preview saja pengembang.
Berbagai mode kamera dapat diatur.
* Bobsleigh Fitur *
Lima karakteristik yang berbeda dapat dipilih gerobak luncur.
Pusat gravitasi, massa, suatu rentang kendali yang berbeda, memiliki sifat unik.
* Bobsleigh Ekstrim Course *
Permainan ini terdiri dari total 15 program.
Setiap kursus telah karakteristik yang unik.
Setiap kursus dibuat dengan mencampur kursus dasar dan kesulitan kursus ekstrim.
Ekstrim tentu saja terdiri berbagai kursus termasuk kursus curam, rintangan, Slip saja, melompat kursus dll
Terima kasih.</div> <div class="show-more-end">